Board of directors

Magnus Welander
Chairman of the Board since 2024 Born: 1966

MSc Industrial Engineering & Management from The Institute of Technology at Linköping University, Sweden.

Other current assignments

Chairman of the Board in Embellence Group AB (publ), Mips AB (publ) and Eleiko Group AB. Board member at Herenco Holding AB and HESTRA-Handsken AB.

Principal work experience

CEO of Thule Group AB (publ), CEO of Envirotainer AB and various management positions within Tetra Pak.

Shareholding in the company

73,630 ordinary shares, 0 class C shares.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes
Major shareholders: Yes

Petra Rumpf
Board member since 2022 Born: 1967

Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Trier University and MBA from Clark University, USA.

Other current assignments

Member of the Supervisory Board at SHL-Medical and Chair of the Audit Committee, Zug. Vice Chair of the Supervisory Board, Chair of the Sustainability and Technology Committee at Straumann Group. Member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Digital Advisory Board at VZUG, Zug.

Principal work experience

Member of the Executive Management Board and Global Head Dental Service Organizations at Straumann Group. Member of the Executive Committee of Nobel Biocare. Vice President Strategy & Transformation at Capgemini Consulting with focus on Life Sciences, Software and High Tech

Shareholding in the company

51,428 ordinary shares, 0 C shares.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes.
Major shareholders: Yes.

Frida Westerberg
Board member since 2021 Born: 1975

MSc in Finance and Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics and a CEMS Master in International Management from Bocconi University in Milan.

Other current assignments

Board member of Ework Group AB, Trollheim Studios AB and Grebretsew AB. Deputy board member of Namrega AB.

Principal work experience

Group CEO of Allurity, CEO of IP-Only, deputy CEO and COO of SF Studios, various roles within the Bonnier Group and Associate at Goldman Sachs.

Shareholding in the company

7,516 ordinary shares, 0 C shares.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes
Major shareholders: Yes

Robert Belkic
Board member since 2023. Born: 1970

B.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics from Stockholm University.

Other current assignments

Board member of Storskogen Group AB.

Principal work experience

Interim CFO Polarium Energy Solutions AB, CFO and EVP Hexagon AB. Group Treasurer Hexagon AB, Group Treasurer EF Education First Ltd, Assistant Group Treasurer Autoliv Inc, Chief Dealer Esselte AB.

Shareholding in the company

0 ordinary shares, 0 C shares.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes.
Major shareholders: Yes.

Gabriel Fitzgerald
Board member since 2021 Born: 1977

MSc in Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics and University Medical studies at Linköping University.

Other current assignments

CEO of Fidelio Capital AB, Fidelio Capital II AB and Fidelio Capital I AB. Chairman and/or board member of a number of companies within the Fidelio Capital II AB-group. Board member of Bellbox Holding AB and Pencey Holding AB.

Principal work experience

CEO of Fidelio Capital, Investment Manager at Nordic Capital and Associate at Carnegie Investment Bank.

Shareholding in the company

Gabriel is an ultimate beneficial owner of Fidelio Vet Holding AB, the Principal Owner of the Company.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes
Major shareholders: No

Theodor Bonnier
Board member since 2021 Born: 1989

BSc in Finance and Marketing from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Other current assignments

Deputy CEO of Fidelio Capital AB, Fidelio Capital II AB and Fidelio Capital I AB. Board member of a number of companies within the Fidelio Capital II AB-group, TBON Invest AB and Bellbox Holding AB. Deputy board member of a number of companies within the Fidelio Capital AB-group, a number of companies within the Fidelio Capital II AB-group, Auxo AB, WF Simhold AB, Bisslinge Finans AB, Southern Meadow AB and Berghamnen AB.

Principal work experience

Director at Fidelio Capital.

Shareholding in the company

0 ordinary shares, 0 C shares.
0 warrants.

Independent of

The Company and executive management: Yes
Major shareholders: No