Vimian highlighted role model for animal welfare

At one of the lectures at VMX in Orlando, one of the world’s largest veterinary congresses, Vimian was highlighted as a role model in animal welfare by the renowned animal welfare expert Emma Milne, BVSc FRCVS .
Emma Milne held a lecture under the title "Taking a stand - how the profession and the industry can make big changes to animal welfare". She highlighted three examples of making a positive impact on animal ethics and welfare by three very different organisations. These varied examples provide insights into how different organizations can contribute to animal welfare.
- Vimian Group and the work to integrate animal ethics and welfare into the ways of working.
- Dave Deane at Valley Vets and their work to implement a practice policy regarding assisted fertility services for brachycephalic animals.
- RWAF, the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund, a UK charity with global reach and their work to ensure that all images in all communications, including advertising are.
About Vimian's work on animal welfare
Vimian aims to include animal ethics and welfare in all aspects of the group’s work from marketing to education to supporting staff with ethical dilemmas or conflict. To deliver on that aim, the group has taken the following actions:
- Animal welfare policy that include ethics and welfare in five essential areas.
- Dedicated animal welfare team.
- Direct channel for all employees to report concerns, need for guidance or questions.
- Training for animal welfare considerations in communication.
- Animal welfare as part of code of conduct and mandatory yearly employee training.
- Annual review of animal welfare policy and training materials.
- MedTech educations for 2000+ veterinarians every year including animal welfare consideratons in surgical procedures.
Learn more about our animal welfare policy here.