Vimian launching carbon reduction plan and target

Vimian Group, including all subsidiaries belonging to the segments Nextmune, Movora, VetFamily and Indical Bioscience are committed to transition towards net zero climate impact across the value chain and empower our customers with solutions to do the same.
As part of the committment, Vimian is launching a group-wide carbon reduction plan for Scope 1&2(1) with the target to reduce emissions by 42% until 2030 (with 2022 as baseline). The target is in alignment with the Paris Agreement and guidelines from the Sciene Based Target Initiative.
In 2022, Vimian measured scope 1&2 for the first time and the initial data concluded 1,793 tCO2e. 40% of emissions are found in Scope 1, where emissions from cars is the biggest driver followed by fugitive emissions. In scope 2, electricity made up for more than 80% of emissions, of 24% being renewable energy.
Vimian's carbon reduction plan for scope 1&2 includes (2):
- Installing solar panels in high energy consuming facilities.
- Launching energy policy stating that every new/updated energy contract is to be renewable and/or low carbon sources.
- Launching car policy to support the transition towards electric and hybrid car fleet. The policy states that all new cars added to the fleet to be electric, hybrid or low emitter.
- Fugitive emissions review - Installing proper measurement of fugitive emissions and investigating reduction alternatives in our production facilities.
Next step is to refine data input in scope 1&2 as well as uncovering emissions in scope 3.
Learn more about Vimian's ESG agenda.
1. Scope 1&2 emissions are direct emissions from own business and energy-related emissions
2. The alternative needs to be available in the region and make sense from a financial and impact perspective.