Welcoming Chief of People

Bart Bremer will hold one of the most strategic functions within the group, focused on bringing out the best in people. Responsible to further develop and enhance leadership, learning, and the overall employee experience.
At Vimian we know that our people, are our greatest asset, and we are committed to creating the best place to work. With Bart onboard, we are confident that we will further excel our capabilities to improve animal health through science and technology for better lives.
Bart is passionate about creating an environment where people can thrive and reach their full potential. He brings a wealth of experience, previously in the role as deputy CEO at Edward Lynx, a consultancy firm working with organizational- and leadership development. Bart has worked in over 25 countries and has created tailor-made programmes to improve individual and (management) team effectiveness. As well as conducing assessments and coaching to help companies find, develop, and keep the right people. Originally from the Netherlands but nowadays a Swedish resident with his family.
Welcome Bart.