Nomination Committee for Vimian’s 2023 Annual General Meeting

Regulatory press release 24 Oct 2022

The Nomination Committee for Vimian Group has been appointed.

Vimian’s Nomination Committee for the 2023 Annual General Meeting has been appointed based on the ownership structure as of September 30, 2022.

The Nomination Committee comprises the following members:

Håkan Håkansson, Fidelio Capital

Erik Ståhl Hallengren, SEB Fonder

Angelica Hanson, AMF Pension & Fonder

Gabriel Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Board

Chairman of the Nomination Committee will be appointed at the Nomination Committee’s first meeting.

The Annual General Meeting of Vimian Group will be held on June 1, 2023. Shareholders who would like to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee for the 2023 Annual General Meeting can submit such via email to no later than April 6, 2023